Monday, October 25, 2021

Diffusion of Innovation - Blog Post 6

 Diffusion of Innovations

What does it take for someone to always decide they want the new and best things? Is it a new camera on the IPhone 13, or a better processor on a MacBook Pro? Maybe it is something so minuscule as your best friend or neighbor has it. Keeping up with the Jones's is something that everyone does without even thinking about it. So how do these ideas spread so quickly throughout the world? 

Think of the first television for example, it was not perfect and had a lot of kinks to work out, but it still became a phenomenon, and everyone had to have one. However, not everyone is going to be an early adopter (13.5%) and some people still do not own televisions no matter how common they are. 

The idea of a television spread so quickly and easily because people were finally able to see the things they wanted to. Of course, there were radios to get news, sports, and entertainment but, there is something different about seeing something with your two eyes. Watching a sporting event used to mean going to a ballpark and watching Babe Ruth hit his 700th home run. Now, all it means is sitting on your couch with some chicken wings waiting for the Huston Astros cheat their way to another World Series ring. 

The early majority (34%) and late majority (34%) are the highest percentages of people because they need to make sure that this is safe for them and something that they would even want in the first place. At this point in time, I do not see a reason for people to not have a television because the positives are extensive.

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